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Fundraising is usually performed through:

  • Donations from individuals

  • Corporate donations

  • Sports events such as 947 Ride Joburg, Toyota Warrior Race, Soweto Marathon

  • Conferences: annual Up to SPAED, GP Update, Paeds4All, Paediatric Ethics and Legal Topics (PELT)


We have several projects ongoing at the moment! Click on a project to learn more about it and see if you can help:


Paediatric Outpatient Clinic RMMCH

Rested Mothers Project RMMCH

NICU recliner chairs CHBAH

CMJAH Breastfeeding Room 


Please have a look at our Thank You page - we can't do any of this without donors and supporters


You can help us by making Wits Paediatric Fund your chosen charity using your Woolies My School Card. 










If you are doing an endurance or sporting event, and would like to raise funds for us, or if you have another idea to help raise funds,  please get in touch using the contact form.


You can donate directly, via EFT or using PayPal.

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